sábado, 21 de março de 2009


Primeiro concurso entregue c o Marcao, acho que ficou bem digno.

Between Architecture and Sociology is the recognition of spatial impact on the psyche of society. To understand this impact fully is perhaps impossible. But to understand that it exists is the opportunity to use design to change the world.Design a philosophy on what imprisonment is or should be, and create an architectural design to express that philosophy.

terça-feira, 10 de março de 2009

Tudo junto e misturado

Bem essa musica eh soh p mostrar duas coisas, um eh o pequeno momento d turbulencias q minha vida anda, mas que logo se resolvera, e a outra eh p falar que menos de um mes antes do DMB eu assistirei o AC/DC, nao nao vou ver um novissimo show do SEU MADRUGA (claro na los desmerecendo) ms sim o AC/DC ao vivo e a cores!!!


Ridin' down the highway
Goin' to a show
Stop in all the byways
Playin' rock 'n' roll
Gettin' robbed
Gettin' stoned
Gettin' beat up
Broken boned
Gettin' had
Gettin' took
I tell you folks
It's harder than it looks

It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
If you think it's easy doin' one night stands
Try playin' in a rock roll band
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll

Hotel motel
Make you wanna cry
Lady do the hard sell
Know the reason why
Gettin' old
Gettin' grey
Gettin' ripped off
Gettin' sold
Second hand
That's how it goes
Playin' in a band

It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
If you wanna be a star of stage and screen
Look out it's rough and mean

It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll

Well it's a long way
It's a long way, you should've told me
It's a long way, such a long way

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009

Bartender please, fill my glass for me...

Eh soh pra deixar claro que dia 01/07/2009 estarei assistindo Dave Matthews Band ao vivo aki em guarapa. O ingresso jah esta comprado, yeah!!!!!!

COME AND CRASH INTO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fica a dica Bartender - Dave Matthews Band - Busted Stuff

"If I go
Before Im old
Oh, brother of mine
Please dont forget me if I go

Bartender, please
Fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave jesus that set him free
After three days in the ground

Oh, and if I die
Before my time
Oh, sweet sister of mine
Please dont regret me if I die

Bartender, please
Fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave jesus that set him free
After three days in the ground

Bartender, please
Fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave jesus that set him free
After three days in the ground

Im on bended knees, I pray
Bartender, please

When I was young, I didnt think about it
Now I just cant get it off my mind

Im on bended knees
Father, please

If all this gold
Should steal my soul away
Oh, dear mother of mine
Please redirect me if this gold...

Bartender, you see
The wine thats drinking me
Came from the vine that strung judas from the devils tree
Its roots deep, deep in the ground

Bartender, you see
The wine thats drinking me
Came from the vine that strung judas from the devils tree
Its roots deep, deep in the ground
In the ground...

Im on bended knees
Oh, bartender, please

Im on bended knees
Father, please

When I was young, I didnt dream about it
Now I think about it all the time

Im on bended knees
Oh, bartender, please
Bartender, please"

The LEKTOC Pavilion - The Art Fund Pavilion Architecture Competition

The “Light Box” and it’s natural environment provides the ideal surroundings for the implantation of a simple and functional structure. The “Lektoc Pavilion” perfectly adapts itself to the existing building continuity, drawing inspiration from the façade. It suggests a dialog with the entire site, creating a new relief in the landscape.

The inside is variable according to its functionality. Its modulable structure allows for three definite utilizations.

Designed in removable pieces, the pavilion can be easily be transferred, gathered and dismantled. The original element is a module of 90° - every new module declines 4°. The shifting offers a constant presence of natural light. Conceived from an eco-responsible process, the pavilion can be recycled or used for something else during its life cycle. The one piece structure made of LVL (rebuilt wood in wood downfalls) complies with environmentally-friendly standarts.

sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2009

Carta de despedida - que acabei de descobrir que nao e do Gabriel Garcia Marques

"Si por un instante Dios se olvidara de que soy una marioneta de trapo y me regalara un trozo de vida, aprovecharía ese tiempo lo más que pudiera.
Posiblemente no diría todo lo que pienso, pero en definitiva pensaría todo lo que digo.
Daría valor a las cosas, no por lo que valen, sino por lo que significan.
Dormiría poco, soñaría más, entiendo que por cada minuto que cerramos los ojos, perdemos sesenta segundos de luz. Andaría cuando los demás se detienen, despertaría cuando los demás duermen.

Si Dios me obsequiara un trozo de vida, vestiría sencillo, me tiraría de bruces al sol, dejando descubierto, no solamente mi cuerpo, sino mi alma.
A los hombres les probaría cuán equivocados están al pensar que dejan de enamorarse cuando envejecen, sin saber que envejecen cuando dejan de enamorarse!
A un niño le daría alas, pero le dejaría que él solo aprendiese a volar.

A los viejos les enseñaría que la muerte no llega con la vejez, sino con el olvido.
Tantas cosas he aprendido de ustedes, los hombres... He aprendido que todo el mundo quiere vivir en la cima de la montaña, sin saber que la verdadera felicidad está en la forma de subir la escarpada.
He aprendido que cuando un recién nacido aprieta con su pequeño puño, por primera vez, el dedo de su padre, lo tiene atrapado por siempre.

He aprendido que un hombre sólo tiene derecho a mirar a otro hacia abajo, cuando ha de ayudarle a levantarse.
Son tantas cosas las que he podido aprender de ustedes, pero realmente de mucho no habrán de servir, porque cuando me guarden dentro de esa maleta, infelizmente me estaré muriendo.
Siempre di lo que sientes y haz lo que piensas.
Si supiera que hoy fuera la última vez que te voy a ver dormir, te abrazaría fuertemente y rezaría al Señor para poder ser el guardián de tu alma.
Si supiera que estos son los últimos minutos que te veo diría “te quiero” y no asumiría, tontamente, que ya lo sabes.
Siempre hay un mañana y la vida nos da otra oportunidad para hacer las cosas bien, pero por si me equivoco y hoy es todo lo que nos queda, me gustaría decirte cuanto te quiero, que nunca te olvidaré.

El mañana no le está asegurado a nadie, joven o viejo. Hoy puede ser la última vez que veas a los que amas. Por eso no esperes más, hazlo hoy, ya que si el mañana nunca llega, seguramente lamentarás el día que no tomaste tiempo para una sonrisa, un abrazo, un beso y que estuviste muy ocupado para concederles un último deseo.
Mantén a los que amas cerca de ti, diles al oído lo mucho que los necesitas, quiérelos y trátalos bien, toma tiempo para decirles “lo siento”, “perdóname”, “por favor”, “gracias” y todas las palabras de amor que conoces.
Nadie te recordará por tus pensamientos secretos. Pide al Señor la fuerza y sabiduría para expresarlos. Demuestra a tus amigos y seres queridos cuanto te importan.”

Nao sei quem escreveu isso ai, mas mesmo assim fica a dica.


Bem eu nunca tive um blog e nao faço a minima ideia de pra que serve um. Mas de qualquer jeito estou lendo um livro do Peter Cook um dos caras do grupo de arquitetos ingleses e ele fica o tempo todo filosofando sobre as cidades e propondo viagens sobre a organizaçao da vida das cidades e das pessoas, e vi que eu sempre viajo muito nisso e nunca desenho ou extravaso essas viagens de jeito nenhum. Resolvi entao comecar a tentar organizar essas viagens na minha cabeca e achei que colocando elas pra fora seria um bom jeito.
Bem ate agora o que mais me impressionei no livro foi a "instant city" que foi descrita a cima.
O por isso do titulo do blog.
A quem se interessar o livro se chama " The city seen as a garden of ideas" do peter cook mesmo.

Pra entender a viagem:

The instant city is an urban intervention in a rural town. A zeppelin floats into town, hooks into the center and bombards the town with art, events, temporary structures, media infrastructure such as billboards, projectors and screens, and other stimulations, then eventually drifts off after installing a wide range of communications infrastructure that hooks the town into the new urban network. The intention being intensive and deliberate cultural urbanisation.
Here's the Wikipedia description:
Instant City is a mobile technological event that drifts into underdeveloped, drab towns via air (balloons) with provisional structures (performance spaces) in tow. The effect is a deliberate overstimulation to produce mass culture, with an embrace of advertising aesthetics. The whole endeavor is intended to eventually move on leaving behind advanced technology hook-ups.

This concept was designed in the 1960's; the architect visited Woodstock a few weeks later and reportedly commented "mine looked better". A more contemporary example would be UK rave culture in the 1990's, where techno-fetishist music culture burst into the countryside. Its not surprising the grey, boring, rurally-elected conservative government of the time actually created a badly-written law to try and ban it.

In the noughties, are social software and popular media sharing networks a new Instant City? Hooking up the rural bedroom composer with the clubs of New York and London; delivering an urban design ethic through the presentation of websites, profile images, and advertising images; finding global personal connections through virtual matching algorithms - a virtual urbanisation that addresses the time warp, but without the multi-storey car park.

Of course I've got a bit of an urban bias - I tried village life and I hated it!